Run: Medium Previous Next


7:00 AM

16.2 mi


7:40 mi


157 lb


65 F


7 / 10
8 / 10


Pfitz called for 16 with 10 at MP (7:27). Was a bit anxious about this one, but it went really well.

Woke up at 5 to a very steady rain. Saw the group had postponed to 7, got another 30 minutes of sleep. Ate some cereal about 30 min before starting, probably not a great idea. Started in a light drizzle, quickly becoming all out rain. Felt weird, my body protesting the too late meal, saw some spots, felt dizzy and generally out of it. I stopped at 3.75 in to get some water, and gain composure. This has all happened before. Going to try eating a bit less, a good bit earlier.

Anyhow, the plan was to run 4 miles easy then kick into the 10 at MP. After my regrouping, and by the time I hit four, my body felt much better and I began clicking off the miles. MP miles were: 7:36, 7:16, 7:30, 7:21, 7:30, 7:20, 7:23, 7:20, 7:21, 7:25. Cool down, 2 miles in 15:30. I felt tired, longest run in a while. But nothing hurt particularly. And all in all it was nice boost to my confidence early in this marathon buildup to hit my MP portion on time.

Looking forward to tomorrow's rest day.
