Bike: Tempo Previous Next


49.4 mi


17.23 mi / hr


9 / 10
9 / 10


Picked up the Felt this afternoon praying it is fixed of the brake dilemma. Very pleasent 1:15 wu to Nick's TT course. Met up with the crew and off we went. I felt fine except small hills felt like large hills due to this mornings hill wo. TT time 27:10 about 35 seconds slower then last time. Jamie and Nick flew by me like I was standing still. Had to shove off for home as I was running into sunset. About 1:05 home. It was really beautiful out missed chatting with my friends though.

Got home, all my peeps were in bed. Checked my bike...brakes are rubbing again....damnit! Enter Michael Emde as he stopped by to pick up some tri stuff. He VERY nicely spent an hour on my bike and figured out the problem, taught me how to adjust some things. Bottom line, due to the brake placement knowing how to adjust the wheel centering and the brake (which is difficult to work on due to the location) is critical. It appears I have purchased a bike with wrenching needs beyond my abilites, but I'm learning. Only hope I can do it on my own when necessary.
