Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:00 AM

5 km


8:09 mi


216.2 lb


54 F


This was my first attempt in a while at a morning run. Daylight savings made evening runs impossible so I'm trying this. This was a great run. It was unexpectedly fast probably because I under dressed slightly for the temp. I had a strange sudden burning sensation in my right interior shin at about mile 1.25 which began fading quickly and then soon after, a sharp pain in my knee just under my kneecap which felt like a slight misalignment. It was severe enough to cause me to stop momentarily. I stretched the knee and massaged the shin for just a few seconds. I had pain (minor) for about .25mi. and then it went away and I carefully resumed my pace. I realize now that the pace was too fast. I will stick to slow and easy runs for the rest of the week and warm up better. In spite of this the run ended great. I was fast, felt strong and seem over the cold I've been fighting finally.
