Run: Tempo Previous Next


12:00 PM

6.5 mi

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Sure, we'll call it a tempo. Decided to man-up and run on the hamster wheel at the Y. Told Tunney I'd meet him there. Got there early and ran a one mile warmup followed by two at marathon pace (ya right). Decided I had had enough and changed to go home. Tunney walked into the locker room and his look alone guilted me into hopping back on the mill. Didn't last too much longer than the first time, but I guess it's better than nothing. The cardio room at the Y was insanely hot...can't remember the last time I sweated that much. Figured it would get better once I started, but I never stopped sweating. Did some core and pushups afterwards.

1 @ 7:30

2 @ 6:07

5 min rest

1 @ 7:30

1 @ 7:09

1 @ 6:49

0.5 @ 5:27
