Bike: Easy Previous Next


9:00 AM

40 mi


3.64 mi / hr


75 F


5 / 10
  • Map


day 1 - okay, so this was a pretty rough time. elected to take single track, and to ride 15 miles to the start of the route. turned out the 15 miles to the start of the route included about 3000 ft climbing, up to about 10,000 feet. feeling the altitude on that climb, but mostly fine. Then it was single track all day, and up and over a number of passes. Got up around 12,000 feet, and the altitude got to us (group was me, keefe, and kath). Nauseous, headaches, dizzy, etc. Could barely pedal for more than a few seconds. We walked our bike on every uphill or slightly technical section. Got so out of breath walking uphill that we would be slumped over our bikes like we just finished a 5k after walking just 20 feet. Pace slowed to around 2 mph. After going over rolling pass at 12,600, we descended some to around 11,000, and I started to feel better (although kath and keefe didn't). Sunset came and went. Did the last descent in the dark, and then got up the last climb at 9:00, where our friends were out trying to find cell phone service to report us as missing.

Type II fun. Really pretty though.
