Bike: Interval Previous Next


7:00 AM

28 mi


20.24 mi / hr


75 F


6 / 10
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attempted 6x5 intervals on the TT rig. ended up doing more like 4x5 and two halfs. the last two intervals were interrupted by traffic, but my legs were in pretty bad shape so they weren't going to go well anyway. about 315 watts for the first two and 300 for 3 and 4. I felt like my power was seriously limited by my ability to pedal well in the aero position. my hip flexors just couldn't make my legs come around, even though i was otherwise not that tired. I had a similar feeling at the mad river race. It didn't help that I tried to keep my cadence higher on the first two intervals, which was more demanding on the hip flexors.

I need a) to spend more than no time on the TT bike and b) to strengthen my hip flexors with some one-legged pedaling or something. silver lining: it feels good to have something so specific and easy to work on, from which I'll hopefully get pretty good returns.
