Bike: Hill Previous Next


6:00 AM

27 mi


15.43 mi / hr


40 F


7 / 10
  • Map


repeats with voutila. legs were feeling pretty good yesterday, but i guess yesterday's run took more out of me than i expected, cause i was having trouble turning over the pedals this morning. gave it a try on the hills anyway, but it went pretty badly.

4:24 - ok, but working way too hard for it

4:44 - knew i was in trouble from the start of this one

6:?? - tried, but just fell apart about 20 seconds in. turned the garmin off and meandered my way up.

4:58 - just sat on voutila's wheel (garmin still off)

4:4? - sat on voutila's wheel and then jumped ahead for the second half (garmin still off)

i need to figure out how to recover well enough to fit more workouts into a week.
