Bike: Easy Previous Next


4:15 PM

18.9 mi


15.34 mi / hr

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Easy bike ride back from Lincoln Lab. I biked by a guy who was going reasonably fast on the flats but slow on the uphills. I went on my way, and then coming away from the rotary in Acton, I saw someone ahead who looked like the guy. And it was the guy! I caught up to him again and learned he had taken a shortcut through Concord center. Turns out he works at the lab and lives in Ayer. We had a really nice conversation until he turned the other way at King St. I biked hard for the last two miles up Oak Hill / Old Littleton. I actually felt decent going uphill at speed, especially near the end. I felt a bit more sluggish at the beginning, but not too bad. Also, a side note: My left leg has felt tight and achey for most of the day. I’m not sure what to do about it. It feels like a mix of muscular and bone stuff, but not too strongly either way.
