Run: Easy Previous Next


14.7 mi


6:31 mi


No name

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Random Route


The saga of continues...

Today I headed back out to Bode Lake to measure this thing once and for all with Mike.... I brought a GPS, measuring wheel, Garmin, and nike+ (so Lance could have some input on this)...I will average all four devices and make that my finding... After measuring the various miles I found that my suspicious were substantiated... in total the course was .3846582946584 to long... yea thats a minute or so off my time, and a much better effort... Luckily I got this info to Coach Mac in time so I can get my elite start at the Schaumburg Alumni race (elite start is top 3).... Although this all is pending on the Mac finding that the course was .3846582946584 and not .384582946583...

Side note, I whooped ass today... nuff said
