New Balance 760 Stability (NB760 FEB2010) (retired)

Equipment Info
Activity: Run
Shoe size: 10.50 (US/Canada)
Total distance: 453.58 mi
Purchase date: 2/13/2010
Price: $100.00
No picture
My review:

These were my first pair of running shoes so they are hard to review. I ran them up to 450 miles before buying a new pair. At the end they were completely dead and I really don't know when they died, but I think it was a while ago (in the 300 to 350 mile range). I'm a big boy so early retirement might be expected. Not a bad shoe really. The upper fit well, and the cushioning is firm if you like that sort of thing. They seem to be a little heavy compared to other shoes. I tried them on a new pair when shopping for new shoes and didn't like them as much as the other shoes I tried. If you try them and like them, buy them. They're decent in my book.