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12:15 PM



91 kg
  • Exercises


We did todays workout outside. It was tough with the sun shining down, but there was a breeze.

Warm-up: Jog, high knees, butt kicks, straight leg swings, etc (5 min)

Two sets of each

- Squat with KB Press x2

- Sprint x2

Two sets of each

- Alt Fwd Lunge holding KB x2

- Frog Jumps (Forward Leaps) x2

Four sets of each

- Push-ups

Four sets of each

- KB Swings

- Evil Jumps (Jumping sqaut, then alternating jumping lunges)

Four sets of each

- Wall Sit

- Wall Jumps

Four sets of each

- KB Shoulder Press

Just for fun we did high knees for the 10 second break.

Four sets of each

- Reverse Lunge, then forward kick (try not to put foot on ground on transition) Alternate on each tabata.

- Squat then Jump Tucks

Four sets of each

- Mountain Climbers

Three sets of each

- Leg Extensions (on back) while holding KB above body.

Cool Down
