Run: Race Previous Next


7:00 AM

5 km


5:24 mi


60 F

Race Result

8 / 1052 (0.8%)
1 / 35 (2.9%)
8 / 489 (1.6%)
  • Map


16:43.11, but above rounded up to 16:44 per road racing rules. Mixed feelings about this race. Was within 11 seconds of my PR, so that's good. But OTOH, I really thought I was <16:30 capable and I'm rather mad at myself for that third mile where I guess I just couldn't hold up 5:20 pace. I think I had 5:14 and 5:19 the first two miles, so feeling very respectable about that. I don't know what it takes for the third mile and fraction to total out to 16:44, but I think it must be on the order of 5:35. Suck. And my Garmin 220 proto crashed sometime at or after I hit stop and I lost all the race data. Ackkk. Never ever race with a prototype!!!!

This is 45 seconds faster than the Memorial Day race, which is good, but wow, the weather was perfect, the course is pretty easy, aaack, I gotta find another 30 seconds somewhere. and then another 15.... Perfect, beautiful morning for the Freedom Run. I think Wyatt and I figured out this was at least our 6th consecutive one together. This morning Josiah joined us for the first time, and also several of their team mates were there including Alex, Nate, Easton and some of the girls. I think Wyatt ended up about 18:20 or so and was disappointed he didn't race harder. Josiah ended up 21:12 or something like that.
