Run: Cut-down Tempo Previous Next


5:30 AM

12.8 km


5:55 mi


44 F
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NW 8. Felt pretty good this morning. Surgery knee scared me a little bit a few times -- it seems I just CANNOT allow myself to fully relax on each footfall -- I have to be at least a little bit "on guard" with every footstrike to keep the knee from sending a sharp pain the last few days. I have this bad feeling that the MFX effectiveness might be wearing out as I suspected it might someday.... But anyway, the run went pretty well with every single mile going negative. I couldn't quite bring those last couple of miles under 5:40 like I really wanted to, but then again the invasion of the Frontier Trail Middle School football teams onto the track about halfway through the 7th mile probably did not help! I had to dodge around the little boogers several times and even had to get off the track briefly at one point. So maybe I should just be happy with those last two miles when those factors are considered!

6:07, 6:06, 5:56, 5:52, 5:48, 5:45, 5:44, 5:40.
