Run: Cut-down Tempo Previous Next


5:45 AM

12.8 km


6:00 mi


30 F
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Not insignificant wind, N 13. Big breakthrough on this benchmarking workout. I had a feeling this was going to be a good morning when the first 400 went by in 89 and it felt really really easy. I backed off it a little and then the miles just cut down naturally. R knee (itb) threatened to stiffen up just a bit off and on the last 3 miles, but by the grace of God held in there and allowed me to finish it well. L knee also pained me just a little here and there. This was a great, great run; far and away the fastest (by 57 s) I have ever run this workout. Amazingly, I think I could have run it even faster on good, solid wheels. If I can get my knees really strong under me, by the Lord's grace, who knows what I might be capable of.

6:14, 6:09, 6:04, 5:56, 5:52, 5:51, 5:48, 5:44.
