Run: Cut-down Tempo Previous Next


5:30 AM

12.8 km


6:15 mi


55 F


7 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map



S14 G22. Wind just sucked the life out of me again this morning. I hope training in this Kansas wind pays off... also my L. knee did not fully cooperate today. it was tightening up a bit by the 4th mile and by the 8th mile my whole left leg was in open revolt all the way up to my hip flexor. so, not a stellar run today, certainly not compared to several of the tempo runs this training cycle. by the 10k point I was feeling pretty done, but decided to go ahead and force my way through the rest of it. maybe it's a good thing that out of gas and hurting still managed < 6:40 limping along? hope it doesn't come to this somewhere after Cleveland Circle! 500 mg naproxen post run, and ice. knee doesn't feel too bad right at this moment.

6:15, 6:14, 6:05, 6:07, 6:04, 6:04, 6:15, 6:38.
