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10:03 AM

4 mi


5:30 mi

Race Result

5 / 2500 (0.2%)


Goal going into the race was to run between 5:18 and 5:25 pace. Figured I could be on the slower end after having raced on Saturday (Milton 5K) and Sunday (USATF X-Country 8K), and doing the track workout on Tuesday. I took Wednesday off as a much needed off day, but too much hard days over a short period wiped me out.

Started off quick in chase of the two BAA guys. Around the 1-mile mark, a guy in a flannel shirt passed me. I felt pretty labored in my breathing pretty early on. As we approached Powderhouse rotary, heard someone running off the back of me. By Cedar Ave, my shadow turned out to be Robert who as usual passed me strong leaving me nothing to make the move with him. I have to admit, he knows how to pass people. Two mile mark came up with me sitting back in 5th with Robert and the rest of the group creating a gap. Mile 3 had some tough hills (felt a lot worse than usual) and tried to avoid losing too much pace going up. After the 3 mile mark where we make the turn onto Summer, actually felt like Robert and I were starting to close the gap on the chase pack, although I was still a solid 10 seconds back on Robert. As much as I wanted to make a hard push on the downhill, I just had nothing in me to make a move. Finish line could not come soon enough. Closed out with a 21:56, breaking my last year PR by almost 1 1/2 minutes. Liz also PR'd finish right around 33:00.

Went inside the Burren after for several beers with some good friends. Always quite a sight to walk inside and see the bar lined with all the cups full of beer.

Definitely need to cut back on the racing so I'm not so tired. Didnt originally plan to race 3 times in 5 days. Get a nice 1 1/2 week break before Mill Cities where I'll get to do leg 4 (9.8 Miles).
