Run: Race Previous Next


10:00 AM

10 mi


7:28 mi


159.5 lb


30 F


9 / 10
9 / 10

Race Result

79 / 776 (10.2%)
11 / 40 (27.5%)
72 / 427 (16.9%)


A good race day. Limited by right hip pain midway through 2nd lap. Prevented me from going beyond 10 miles.

Still hurting 24 hours later.

1st 5 miles 36:52 7:23

2nd 5 mile 37:44 7:33

I needed a day to absorb yesterdays run before writing. And the results weren't posted until right before I was headed down to the SouthSide to see Trombone Shorty and local talent The Boogie Hustlers at The Rex. Of course I was there to reload my carbs.

The Spring Thaw. JC and DNephin were there but I failed to make a plan to meet either. Both had good runs for 20 miles. My plan to race 10miles and hang in there for 10 more fell apart.

I began my pre-race preparation with Friday night carb loading at McCormick&Schmick's with some IPA's before going to see Hal Hidgon. Afterwards we visited the Hofbrauhaus to continue. (note to self: not the best way to pre-load).

I expected to see an e-mail canceling the event from the evenings snow storm. Kudos to our county park department in prepping the course. Some slippery areas and slushy turns but generally good. The turnout was tremendous.

At the start my goal was to beat 7:30 pace (fantasy of 7:15) and 8:15ish for the last 10. I wasn't clear on the starting line as it was the least densely packed start I have witnessed. Hal took 3 tries at yelling 'GO' before we sprinted out of the lot.

I passed the mile mark at 7:20 and 2 mile 14:36 feeling good. I ran the whole 10 miles back and forth with a 28yo in shorts and minimalist shoes. I went through the first 5 miles in 36:52 and really felt like I had plenty in the tank to go a little faster. By mile 7 my right hip was starting to hurt. Within another 1/2 mile I developed thoughts of walking. I pulled it together knowing that I could tough out the last few miles. Just after the 9 mile mark with The Minimalist drafting me, a 32 yo woman passed me. I chased her up the last incline and gained on the descent but the pain was becoming excruciating. I had to let her go. (She turned out to be the top woman at 15 and 20 miles).

I figured that the guy with me could easily out kick me but pain prevented me from putting any room between us as the finish neared. He kicked right past me across the line. I was in at 1:14:35 7:28 pace.

I walked 50 yards to the water station to refuel and Gu. I started to slowly jog but my hip was screaming for attention. I abandoned running any further than another 0.1miles. To the soup, pizza and free massage!!!

No big blow-up. Unless I had gone further.
