Run: Race Previous Next


7:30 PM

3.5 mi


6:11 mi


74 F


Race summary:

.5mile swim: 15:16.5 (23/118) (includes run up the beach)

T1: 59.1

20.7mile bike: 58:45 (22/118)

T2: 33.4

3.5mile run: 21:37.7 (7/118)

TOTAL: 1:37:12.2 (15/118)

All in all I think that the race went well. There were several things I could have done better to prep but in the race there was very little I was disappointed with. The swim started out as a mass start in the water. I was with a lot of stupid traffic the first half of it. Lots of people cutting me off. I would normally say that it was me but I was sighting on target the whole time. Second half of the swim things calmed down and I got into a decent rhythm. Came out of the water 24th or something.

T1 I jogged up the beach, not in a particular rush. That could be improved. Then I took water in T1 and set off. Honestly that part of the race went well! Getting into the bike took a little while. My cockpit still isn't comfortable and it felt like I was falling off of the seat or crowding my arms... but as I got into the bike things got a lot smoother.

The bike was uneventful, the whole time I was moderating my energy so as not to go past the lactic acid point, I think I did that well enough due to my run experience. T2 was fast. 33s in and out. The run went well too, I started out fast and slowly reeled people in. My quads threatened to cramp at mile 1 through 1.5 but the cramps never came so I pushed it a little faster. Came through the finish line on the verge of cramping but otherwise feeling good! Good race overall :)

Thoughts for the next time: swim faster, get out in such a way where you don't have to deal with the stupid people in the swim. On the bike experiment with pushing through lactic acid threshold for brief moments... also make sure to use bicycle threshold rides to get in shape for things like that. On the run keep up the good work, aim for 6min flat to really hold your own with the big dogs.
