Run: Race Previous Next


3.5 mi


6:23 mi


I felt odd on the run, I got out of T2 in 30seconds and into the run but right at the beginning, it felt like both calves, my left hip flexor and my right quad were gonna cramp. To fight this, I took smaller steps and increased my cadence way above normal. It seemed to work too! by the time I was about .5 miles in I was feeling downright good! I passed maybe 3-4 true competitors on the run, got passed by one guy who was running damn fast too but lets forget about him for now eh?

On the second lap, my quads started to pretend like they were about to cramp. I held my pace and moved onto the grass on the side of the road which definitely helped. Finished the run alright, no kick, just kind of cruising really

My split and the run distance hint at 6:12 pace but I don't quite believe this. I mapped the run on here and it said the run was 3.3 miles, or 6:45 pace - a much more similar time to what I was expecting.


Overall Time: 1:41:06

800yd Swim: 14:55

T1: 2:26.23

20.7mi Bike: 1:00:51

T2: 33.62

3.6mi Run: 22:19.06
