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6:15 PM

1 mi


5:08 mi


135 lb
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Glen Mills Meet. aka "Hoagie Meet" where Coach Kelly buys us all hoagies from money raised in spring track last year.

Most people could run 2+ events, but it worked out that I would only be running the mile tonight, and then the 3k tomorrow night. I wasn't complaining; good experience at long events + I didn't want to be too tired for the novice meet where I would get a chance to earn my winter track varsity letter.

I was the only Hatter in my heat (there were 3 really big heats). Forget + Chris were together in a different heat.

A ton of people in this race. They didn't give us lanes, so this was my first time going in the forward staggered position. The start wasn't too bad. I heard another runner's PR was about 5:00.3 indoors, so I decided to aim to stay just a little bit behind him for the entire race. He took the first lap out pretty hard, but I decided I might as well keep up with him. If I decided to be "smart" but he got a far better time, well then he'd be the one laughing then (if he actually even knew who I was, that I was aiming for him, or anything of the sort, which he didn't).

Pretty good race. I was tired by the end, not much else to say besides that. I passed a guy during my kick, but he pulled back up on the final straightaway. I actually managed to out *lean* the kid, which was a pretty cool experience. I had never actually had leaning work to my advantage (not that I ever really tried to use it to my advantage), and usually if anyone ever ended up being outkicked at the very end it was me. I usually don't have/use the leg turnover to get the really fast kicks.

I was hoping I would go a few seconds faster than I did, but I was still happy with my performance. My 800 split was right about where it should have been. I would have liked it if my last 400 was a little faster, but I'll be fine with it.
