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4:45 PM

2 mi


5:21 mi


145 lb


64 F
  • Map


Key Splits

1 - 73

4 - 5:07

Laps 1-6 averaged under 80/quarter. A few were over, but then we picked it up and got back under pace. I dropped off on lap 7, but then picked it up again for lap 8 (around 80 pace).

Large pack for laps 1-6. CB east had no good runners, so our guys weren't challenged to run PR's. Conor Renn, Justin Forget, Sam Hibbs, Jim Cahill, and I were all in the 2mi and all ran together (me + Cahill were fresh).

Didn't expect to stay with them, or to hit sub 80's for so long (1st major miss was lap 7, mid 90's). 1st mile might have been a little fast, but it was much easier to just stick with the pack. Felt like I was running a workout/tempo, didn't realize that I was quite at race pace (even though I was within about 10 seconds of my mile PR).

PR for the 3200m. Right on pace for my 3k PR. Hopefully league qualifying. I know I got more in the tank, once I get a chance to run a good 7th lap.

Great weather, a ton of people PR'd.
