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2:00 PM

3 mi


7:04 mi


140 lb


66 F
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Salesianum Invitational.

Once again ran JV C this year. Originally we had our team split up so there were no more than about 5 people on each team (varsity + JV A-C), but so many people couldn't come because of SATs and other reasons that we had to scratch a team just so we could barely have 5-6 on varsity (Pete Holman managed to make it up in time), 5 on JV A and then 4 on JV C.

JV C was a ton of fun though. Billy McCall, Ryan Claggett, and I led the first mile of the race. We couldn't even hear any runners behind us which was a pretty cool feeling. We started off as a pack of 3, but I took the lead going into the 1 mile mark. Billy passed me less than a half mile later, right as we got out of the woods and started the first hill. Claggett passed me soon afterwards on the big hill. I probably should have run the hills a bit stronger, but they take a ton of strength out of me. After that I only got passed by 3 more people during the race. One guy passed me on the long straightaway, and he just kept working up strong for the rest of the race. He ended up in front of Claggett at the end (Ryan finished in 3rd overall). Two other guys blew by me with about 600-800m to go and they were just booking. Beyond that though I stayed in my place and finished 6th overall. Pretty fun race even if it was easy. Might have run faster in a better race but this was well worth it.

Our team ended up placing 3rd even though we only had 4 runners. They gave us a default 5th runner, scored as last place, and we still managed to get in the top 5 which we thought was pretty awesome. Top 5 teams got free shirts, and top 3 teams got a trophy (a medal bowl like Susan's salutatorian one). Also top 15 got medals (pretty nice medals) so all 4 of us got medals (Billy won the race, Ryan got 3rd, I got 6th, and Eric Ardman got 11th).
