Run: Easy Previous Next


1.8 mi


9:00 mi


This was a post-work / pre-sheetrocking run. I basically had a 30 min window when I got home and tried to squeak in a quickie at a decent pace. I tried to focus on my mechanics during this run. I am working on establishing some good habits early and breaking some bad ones. I was trying to be more disciplined by minimizing my 'bounce' and trying to have it propel me forward instead of vertically.



Way to keep it going! Sneaking in a quick run when you are short on time is awesome. As far as thinking about your running form, one thing that helped me was to count my steps in one minute. Regardless of how fast you run, you should keep a cadence of around 180 steps per minute. Most runners do a lot less than this, and end up bounding (wasting energy) instead of staying low. My natural cadence now is about 178 and I'm fine with that, but when I started it was more like 172.


I think I better do the count, I may be "bouncy". Joe, you have such an ebullient personality it's hard not to bounce! Way to go.


Way to keep up the pace Joe! You have come so far in such a short time it's really impressive. I am also trying to focus on my form which I feel is classified as neanderthal. I slump and bounce and do everything I shouldn't be doing but it's a work in progress. As for cadence I think I met her in a bar in New Brunswick once and Joe took her away from me with his bouncy personality.