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10:15 AM

13 mi


6:59 mi

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Black Beauty


a little visualization for the win

workout was supposed to be yesterday but spent over 8 hours in ER with my oldest the night before and I was just WIPED so took unplanned rest day. Felt better/rested this morning so decided to try the workout and pull it for easy miles if I wasn't feeling it. Once I got going I felt decent, and really focused on visualizing the NYC half course as I went. I had mapped out the elevations for the course so threw those inclines in accordingly as I went. Helped me focus on where I want to feel strong in the race.

20 minutes warmup

9.1 miles in 60 minutes (3 min T//2 min Recovery)

CD to 13 miles

3 min T were at 6:10 avg and 2 min recovery 7-7:30

Started a bit more conservative to make sure I had a good gauge of how I was feeling. (avg 6:15 for first 6 reps, 6:05 for the last 6 reps)

1 pack HS chews; 12 oz Skratch Pineapple
