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15 km


6:41 mi

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Boilermaker 15k

It was awesome! First time at this race and must come back again and again.

Was sweating before the start, sun was coming out strong and knew it was going to get warm.

Went too conservative first few miles, but I wasn't sure how to tactically race the course not having done it before so I can't really regret that. The hill around 4 was tough, I'd compare it to some of the Newton hills in Boston for sure. I shoved so much ice down my shirt, and ran through every hose. My goal was to not get to the point I was overheated. Which meant getting drenched before necessary. it worked well. Took the hill around 7:10 pace which I think I could have done better, but live and learn. Had the next to miles with downhill around 6:15! Felt great!

Mile 7 sucked ass. Another incline, and wide open no sun protection on highway. I dropped to about 6:50 but at least it wasn't as slow as earlier. After that I passed some people I knew and it gave me a boost. I picked it up to low 6's again and really started picking people off a few people at a time. I was cruising the rest of the race and felt good- always nice at the end of the race feeling. The last 1/4 mile sucked as I got a bad side stitch and couldn't push as much as I wanted in the finish but only lost a few seconds from it- no biggie. Negative split the course!

5k splits were

21:11--6:49 pace

20:37--6:38 pace (this includes the big ass hill and 7:10 mile!)

20:24--6:33 pace (this includes the mile 7 hill, 6:50 mile)

32 female, 392 overall! 9th in my AG but since majority of the runners in top 10 OA were in my AG, I will get 3rd place prize!!!
