Run: Fartlek/SS/Prog Previous Next


8.4 mi


7:13 mi

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<No name>


6-8mi fartlek run, with core pace between 7:15 and 7:45 (excursions on speed bursts in the range of 5K race pace); incl one CD mile at end to flush out legs

Morning fartlek session- weather was beyond perfect for it. Like, please give me that weather in 51ish days please! Used first mile as warm-up and well lets be honest, also a wake up mile. Then there were no set intervals just keep base pace 7:15-45 and do bursts at 5k-10k pace. No rhyme or reason to interval placement and distance so naturally no consistency to mile paces really. I'd pick random trees to run fast between, or up hills, also raced cars in traffic a few times. I'd guess that most pick-ups were 20-40 seconds long with a few around 60-75 seconds.

warm-up 8:20

Fartlek miles: 7:27, 6:58, 6:55, 7:06, 6:58, 6:52, 6:52

Last .35 easy.
