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8 km


4:50 mi


10 / 10
8 / 10
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First mile there was a big pack so about 800 in i moved to the front to avoid all that. A little while later I saw vanhoy and he told me to slide behind the leaders to avoid the wind. Then around 1.5 miles the kenyans took off...i let them go for a bit but then caught them all on the hill. We stayed as a pack and i was comfortable up until 3 miles where this one kid just took off. I just let them all go and didn't react to the surge. Around 4 miles i felt better again and knew i should have just reacted to that innitial surge because i could have won. With about 300 to go i kicked it in hard for 7th.

Could have won it, just was a rust buster and didnt react to that surge. I will be able to do that later in the season...even next race
