Health: Left Anterior Tib pain Previous Next


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Although yesterday's run wasn't horrible, pain never really went away after the run. Started off on the run today with pain on the outer part of the AT tendon. Went from sore tendon to gradually entire tib muscle clenching up.

Tried to gut it out the first mile by counting to 10 over and over. Stopped at half a mile to stretch and rub out tightness. Resumed and got about 2.5 miles in before pain came back like a MF. Got another .5 miles and then stopped to stretch again. By mile 4 it hurt to jog more than a few feet.

Iced 4 times today, stretched and did some strengthening exercises although I probably should have waited a day or two on the exercise. Muscle feels like it is knotted up right now. Going to use the roller a lot until the knot is gone.
