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6:04 AM

50 mi


10:30 mi


82 C
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Voyager 50


Wow, that was tough. Some people really handle the heat well. I do not.

First mile was bike path and then straight onto the gnarliest single track of the entire course for another two miles. Cross the swinging bridge and it is mixed double/single track for the next 6 miles. Hit the powerlines after 10 miles and they are a muddy mess but not the worst climbs of the race. Back onto some gnarly single track and then some uphill on roads/trails. After 20 miles it is all downhill and I know I will be hating this on the way back. Get to the turn around, grab some food and soak in a nice cold creek for about a minute. Then start the long climb back up for 5 miles. The heat is really killing me and by mile 35 I am already in survival mode. I make it through the powerlines and then start to cramp with 10 left to go. From there I am mostly walking but try to run the last few to the finish. Once I finish I can't cool down. I start to cramp and then I lay down and can't get up. Some volunteers check me out and bring over several bags of ice to go under my arms, neck, and head. After probably an hour I am able to breath normally again and after 2 I am starting to feel normal.



Cheer up! You did the last quarter mile at 8:14 pace!

I have a hard time with heat also. It doesn't seem to bother some people as much as me. If Superior 50 is warm/muggy I'll have to go really slow. Pray for 50 degree temp!


Thanks Joe! At this point Superior is not looking good. I messed up either my upper or lower glute. I probably should have pulled the plug already but I'm too stubborn.