Run: Hill Previous Next


14.6 mi


10:58 mi


Nike (Vomero)

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an 10.6 miles with Joel in the tillamook forest today. Absolutely beautiful stunning views, but HILLY. not really good since I did my hill workout yesterday...but that's okay. it was HARD...some miles for me were 12min pace b/c of the hard hill climbs...had to walk some of them too. then the last 2 miles was a gradual downhill and we were running sub 6min pace alot along the way. that felt crazy flying down hill at that pace..I can't believe people actually RACE at that pace? 5:45's? insane.

then tonight I picked up 4 easy TM miles b/c I am so behind on mileage b/c of the drive home monday. all in all, glad I got it done today.
