Run: Easy Previous Next


6:30 AM

5.5 mi


8:54 mi

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NO PAIN!!!..well tiny pain in my right foot arch but went away.

glutes still tight.

my heart rate seemed really high to me the last 2 miles.... any time I got down to 8:15's which was comfortable pace my heart rates was in the 170-190's....

here is my average pace and average HR for each mile:

mile 1 was 9:19 pace, 142bmp

mile 2 was 9:14 pace, 142bpm

mile 3 was 9:00 pace, 156ppm

mile 4 was 8:44 pace, 159bpm

mile 5 was 8:12 pace, 175bpm

last .5 mile was 8:46 pace, 179bmp

see what I mean about the last 2 miles???

but maybe this is just the way my body is???? i remember last time Iran with Liana it was really high like this too...
