Run: Easy Previous Next


6:14 AM

6.1 mi


8:40 mi


147 bpm
167 bpm



3 / 10
7 / 10
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Went on another music-less run this morning. It's weird, I've always much preferred running with music in the past. When I was first starting running, if I heard how hard my breathing was, I'd psych myself out and want to quit. So I got used to drowning it out. I'm finding now that I enjoy being able to stay connected with how hard I'm working. On easy days it helps me keep my speed/effort in check. Also nice to not deal with headphones/armbands/etc.

I am going to try to embrace the easier week-I know my body needs it. I'm also gonna make refueling more of a priority as I failed on that front on Saturday and paid for it. I was slow again today but I do know that things will feel easier once the temps drop. Really looking forward to that later this week!
