Run: Easy w/ Pick Ups Previous Next


6:17 AM

7.1 mi


7:54 mi


161 bpm
181 bpm


6 / 10
6 / 10
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Yikes...Not my best run. Kind of a mess in general. Got out the door late. Forgot to start my strides when I meant to. I was planning on doing 1 stride per mile after mile 1 but forgot to do one in mile 2 so had to double up. Ran the route with the one hill that always gets to me. I run much steeper hills on a regular basis and they don't have the same mental effect for me-not sure why this one gets to me. I think part of it is that it's preceded by a long but very gradual uphill so it's already wearing you down before you get to the steeper part.

Anyway-I didn't try to take this one easy but I didn't mean to take it so hard, either. I could tell today that my heart rate was higher without even looking. I was more out of breath and fatigued. I was really feeling the soreness as soon as I started. I could tell that the lower drop shoes had an effect as my calves in particular were tight.

I was kicking myself by the end because I'm afraid I pushed too hard and that's gonna make tomorrow's run hard. I also felt the achy/soreness as soon as I got done so I did more stretching than normal and sat in a cold tub for about 5 minutes after. Didn't have time for a real ice bath so I figured it was the next best thing. Gonna soak in epsom salts tonight.
