Run: Easy Previous Next


6:38 AM

4 mi


8:04 mi


153 bpm
170 bpm



4 / 10
7 / 10
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I did my first fast .15 about .97 miles in. I did my next at 1.75 miles. Then the next one was 2.75 and the next one was 3.25 I think (I knew I was getting close to some hilly parts and figured I'd try to run my last one on more level terrain...which feels wimpy now as I'm typing it out).

My legs still didn't feel fresh today which has me worried a bit. They just feel...tight? And like every step is a bit of an effort. Not super hard effort or anything but my legs don't feel strong and even my easy runs this week haven't been especially easy. I'm not sure what's going on. Gonna try to eat well today, drink tons of water, and go to bed at a grandma hour since I'll have to be on the road early tomorrow morning for the race.

One side note is what a difference weather makes. It was 60 glorious degrees this morning with a dew point in the 50s and it was paradise. It was so much easier to keep my heart rate down, as evidenced by the averages below. I hope it feels this way tomorrow!
