Run: Easy Previous Next


6:31 AM

4.2 mi


8:48 mi


137 bpm
157 bpm
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Very easy 4.

I was eager to get out and see how my knee felt but nervous as well. I took the first mile VERY easy. I was running very cautiously and hyper-aware of my knee. It's hard to describe how it felt initially-stiff, I guess. Not painful but not totally normal. I had foam rolled (as usual) before heading out this morning. I was prepared if I felt pain to stop but while it didn't feel normal for the first several minutes, it wasn't painful either. I found around a mile in that I felt warmed up and was able to run a little more confidently. I was feeling really good until I hit an intersection where I had to stop for a couple of minutes. I felt that same stiff feeling for a few minutes but after that it warmed back up and felt good.

I am encouraged that there wasn't pain and am hopeful my second run will feel okay too-but I will stop if it doesn't. I plan on going out and running some before meeting Lindsay tomorrow to see if I can run with her or if I need to push my long run.

I wouldn't have wanted to do strides or any faster running today but I think the easy running might have actually been good for it? We'll see. I am hoping it was just some new stressor like the lunges as I haven't had knee issues in the past and have been really diligent about foam rolling, stretching, and core work.

Did core when I got home-three times this week! I've been noticing my left glute is not as strong as my right so I'm trying to make sure I engage my left side as much as I can in my glute exercises.
