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11:00 AM

8 km


5:28 mi


First conference of my career was a bad experience. It was at Walsh and now I can not stand that place. ME and the entire team, excedpt for a couple ran the worste race ever. I don't even know what to blame it on. My legs just felt so heavy during the entire race. My hamstring is hurting me the worste that muscle has ever hurt before, but I did not feel it at all during the race. THe first mile I felt really comfortable running 5:05, so I was thinking it was going to be a goood day. Then the next mile was 5:25, might of been off a little. Then after the second mile I dont remember anything, splits, people yelling for me, who passed me. It's like I lost complete focus, which is very unusual for me. Cedarville beat us by 1 point, now we are unsure we will go to Nationals. I think we will but it dont look to great. Hopefully we will get good news on tuesday. Im very frustrated right now, worste race of my career so far.
