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26.2 mi


8:06 mi

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<No name>


Holy Shit, I just did a marathon.

Weekend Warrior Marathon in Armada.

Ran with the 3:25 pacer Rick, the Apache guy Alex, Stephanie the triathlete, 19yr old Elizabeth, Trevor the high school kid, and some guy in a black shirt. We held a 7:40/mile pace til mile 16 then the other dropped off. I fell apart at mile 21 but never walked and still qualified for Boston! I cried and smiled while running thru the finish line, then at the finish line threw my arms up and screamed, then cried and laughed while hugging Taryn and Linda in the shoot. SO HAPPY. I haven't been that happy running since my first 10k.

Taryn Silber ran the 25k and puked, Jenelle Nadolski did the 12k, Meghan Vizzy did the full and finished with 4:53. Linda Pio, Dave Eisenbrey, Julia Orlovskaya, and Renae Shibata all came to cheer me on!! Best day EVER! I hurt SO GOOD!

1st finished in my age group, 2nd female overall, 16th finisher overall. WADDUP.
