Run: Easy/Recovery Previous Next


7:07 AM

2.5 mi


11:03 mi


127 bpm
134 bpm
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Are you injured or just not interested in running while vacationing?

Colorado Gump

I was sick for nearly 3 weeks including the marathon week. (Bad cold, not COVID). After pushing last year right to Dec 31st with the game and then picking up on Jan 1 with the game and training, my body was wearing down. Decided to zero after the marathon and that also gave me the opportunity not to stress over the vacation. Target is to hit 30 miles next week and then come off IR. I have regular injuries now like glute, slappy right foot but should be okay.



You are going to go from no miles to 30 miles? That seems smart. Maybe you should STAY on IR until you're actually healthy. Wouldn't that be novel?

Colorado Gump

I think it is humorous to have the girl who would increase her miles from one week to another by 100 or 200% and is giving me advice on how to ease into it.


Happy to amuse.