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1:30 PM

8 km


5:34 mi

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St. James


CCIW Open Race 2017. Going into this I had no idea what I could run. I was just wanting to put in a good effort and have fun. I went out quicker than I wanted in around 5:15 then I think I was 10:45 at the two mile and 16:25 or so at the 3 mile. I have no idea what my 4th mile was. Last loop was running with Caleb and Beaver and Beav and I finished together which was pretty cool and meant a lot to me. My back got pretty tight from slipping in some of the mud but not too bad. I definitely felt the lack of miles that I missed for being out 3.5 months but my body felt a lot stronger and I was tougher mentally. It was weird not racing for 6 months and having this race be 10 times longer than my last race at Augustana Meet of Champs. Also my first 8K since Conference last year. For pretty windy/cold and some mud for the conditions I was content with the time. It was faster than I ran all of last year which is pretty sad. Would like to see how much faster I could run if this was only my first 8K of the year and I ran a few more. But, on to building more fitness and having a great track season.

Also, team ran great. 1-7 in Varsity and the Open guys fucking killed it as well. 44
