Run: Easy Previous Next


8:30 AM

4 mi


6:40 mi


First mile was like ~7:10 then pace started to pick up a ton from there. 2 miles was passed in 13:45 then 3 mile was also about the same pace then 4th mile was 6:20 and that hurt quite a bit so I stopped then. Getting in better and better shape everyday and will continue to improve. Might do something pretty short tonight but kinda fast. Probably like mile @ 6:30 then some strides with jogging. Big workout tomorrow, some of the guys explained it to me and its gonna be pretty damn hard. It's called "The Fartlek" and its 10 min. easy, 5 min. hard (about a mile), then 1 min. walk, 5 minutes of sprinting between poles on the path, 1 min. walk, then 400, 2x200 with I think about a minute walk in between those as well. Kern said "only 2 sets" and there is 20 min. break between those. Gonna be rough!
