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10:45 AM

8 km


5:40 mi

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Wheaton Invite. I was really well mentally prepared and confident going into this. I was still feeling sick a little but I knew I could still run well, especially after Wednesday. I got out and had a great part 1 again. I don't feel like I've been too aggressive with that at all, nothing has felt too fast at all this year. I settled into part 2 well and found my rhythm but soon after that it all kinda went to shit. My legs started feeling really tired and it turned into a really fucking bad part 3. I started to question why I felt so bad when I've had good workouts and have never felt overly tired or sore/tight during the week. I really wasn't getting the best out of myself at all I think. I was hurting but I was questioning whether it was more or less than the park workouts or the Huffman workouts. It really was just a shit show. I got a really bad cramp during lap three and it really just hurt my form (it was really warm out ~75+ degrees with the sun - so that may have been why I cramped up) and my third lap was miserable as I just went backwards and got passed. I kind of regrouped the last lap and started moving a little as I realized what was happening and I started to feel a little better (it felt like my legs opened up). I worked up to Wantland and we had a good part 4 and slapped hands in the last straight (got a nice pic of that) but overall this was really shitty. I know and I think that everyone else knows where I should and need to be. I have been working out with Billings all these last 3 weeks and he was our 6th (right behind Chris) and helped close that back door. I have the fitness and ability to be up running with those guys and helping out the team, but it just hasn't happened and I seriously don't know why. It's so god damn frustrating to keep righting the same log after every race but it just keeps happening in XC races. I have to figure out some things mentally (and physically as well) because I know I am not running to my full potential and I want to make the most of every single race I have left here.
