Run: Fartlek Previous Next


8:30 AM

8 mi


6:23 mi


Did two sets of this today and it was pretty hard not gonna lie. Ended up going with group 2 and that was a wise decision. The workout was 10 min. easy, 5 min, hard, 5 min. of poles, 5 min Indian Run, then 2x200, all with 1 min. walk recovery. The first 5 min hard was like at 5:15 pace then the second was 5:25 as Lionel paced us. The poles were pretty hard coming off of the 5 min. and the 200's were pretty fast at like 31-32. Overall, a solid first real workout. 45 min moderate + 30 easy is what Kern told us for tomorrow. Then 75 LR on Friday.
