Run: Fartlek Previous Next


3:20 PM

8.2 mi


6:02 mi


Easy 20 min building tempo, 4 min jog, 2 min jog, then 8x1 min ON, 2 min OFF, strides. Felt decent today, out-and-back on the DRT. It was really nice weather out, about 50 or so with little wind. The only thing that sucked was the path being somewhat flooded. The tempo I felt pretty shitty on, especially my legs, still feeling the increase in mileage last week, so I stopped it 20 and jogged, still avg 6 min pace for the way out. Then the fartlek it was a pack of me, Chase, Peanut, Bartell, and Jake. I was up front with Jake and Bartell and we were hammering the fartlek pretty good which was what I wanted to focus on coming into the workout simulating reps on a track. The only part that sucks is how slippery some parts were and it pulled on my achilles a little and I felt it towards the end so I didn't do bursts. Solid workout today.
