Run: Long Previous Next


8:23 AM

16.5 mi


6:36 mi

  • Map



Long run throughout Boston. Wanted to go across the Charles to Cambridge and run around there. Kinda did that.. ended up a little more North and West than I planned. Was running along the river for awhile then saw so fields across the river so I crossed the next bridge and it turns out it was Harvard's campus. Ran around their track for a lap after pooping. Then around their actual campus before realizing I was already over 70 minutes and needed to head back. Misjudged how far away I was. My phone battery is so fucked so it was dying and my maps app doesn't know where I am half the time so getting back was a little tricky but I eventually figured out where I was and got back. A lot longer of a run than I planned (wanted around 14) but oh well. Good run overall and a really nice morning to run. Wore half tights, a long sleeve, and my DP gloves and was perfect in that. Also, Strava had this closer to 17 for some reason.. so I wasn't running 5:40s at the end like my Strava said I was. I was still running 6:0s the last 5 miles or so. It also had my run at 8.5 yesterday too so thats weird and I don't know why.



Boston is a great town