Run: Fartlek Previous Next


12:00 PM

7 mi


6:30 mi


Good fartlek today. Woke up late and was hungry so I skipped doing a morning run by myself since I was at home. Jeff was coming back from the gym and he biked with me. I decided if I was feeling good I was going to do a fartlek of 6-8x1min on/off. I did 3 miles easy in 20:00 then started. The first one was into the wind and it was a little slippery on the bike path. After the third one I started to pick up the pace on the "on" portions. I ended up doing 8 and I hit the last couple at a solid pace and the last one was pretty solid. Cooled down the rest of the loop (around 1.5 miles or so) at a pretty easy pace. Solid workout overall without killing myself. I plan to keep up with these over break. I feel like after so many interval workouts in HS I don't want to do a ton when I am in base and want to focus on consistency in mileage. Now that I have done that the last couple have weeks and have adjusted workouts will be incorporated but they won't be anything crazy.
