Run: Tempo Previous Next


4:25 PM

5 mi


5:36 mi

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<No name>



5mi steady state run/10 total mileage. After warming up run given mileage at 75-85% effort. The pace should be between 15k and Marathon race pace. The challenge of this workout will come from the accumulative fatigue rather than a fast pace. Finish with a cd.

*Stay in control and know you could go faster. I am more interested in how you will feel wednesday and thursday than during this run. When in doubt, back off the gas pedal.


Solo. I'm starting to get sick, so I don't feel like I have much energy, and I'm not eating very well either because I don't have money. We're talking ramen, crackers and bread at this point. First mile in 5:40, kept that through mile 2. Started feeling the hamstring around 8mins in, leg started locking up around 15 mins, but went away around 22 mins. Picked up the pace the second half, also had to use the restroom, but held... so yeah. Afterwards I rolled on a tennis ball and stretched a little, iced later in the evening. took ibuprofen and slept in compression shorts.

Posting this the next day, so I woke up and felt tenderness in the high hamstring area and glute, so the workout definitely got to it. Rolled a little bit on a tennis ball before work, brought an ice bottle to work as well, so will use that throughout the day.
