Run: Hill Previous Next


4:10 PM

3.5 mi


7:09 mi


30 F
  • Map

<No name>


Plan: Hill Repeats Up & Down

8-10 total miles. After warming up run 30mins on hills. Run up hard and jog equal recovery time at the top. Run fast down and jog equal recovery time at the bottom. All up, down, and recovery time counts towards our total time. If you are having any aches or pains, talk to Coach ME before doing this workout. You may break this into sets if needed. Finish with a CD.

Report. Made it about 25 mins before my hamstring started giving out. Got to the point where I couldn't even bend it really, so I stopped. Went to the chiro, and I was significantly out of alignment. So who knows when, but for at most a week and a half, I've probably been making it worse compensating and running while being out of whack. But I didn't really start feeling it until wednesday, so it may have just been a couple days. who knows. Anyway, she made it feel better, still a little achy, but that's probably my body adjusting still.

The hill I found was about a 45 second climb.
