Run: PMrun Previous Next


4:00 PM

8 mi


6:34 mi


92 F
  • Map

<No name>



8mi moderate run/moderate muscular tension and aerobic pressure. heart rate target zone 70-75%. During the last half or at the end of the run do 4-8 x 30 step striders. Count 30 steps on one foot. Remember a strider is all out 800-1600m race pace, so this is not a sprint. Take all the recovery you need to get your breathing back to normal and repeat.


Started out around 6:50, by the time I hit the trail, i was already around 6:35 pace. On the way back, I dropped it down to around 6:15 or so and kept it steady. Towards the end, I did 4 or 5 striders. Felt good, very hot and humid. shorts were completely wet.
