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9:30 AM

12 km


10:20 mi


46 F

Race Result

822 / 1179 (69.7%)
86 / 146 (58.9%)
453 / 743 (61%)


12k race on a hilly course. Most of the first half was steadily uphill - not too many steep grades, but 3+ miles of almost constand uphill running. I was able to get into a pretty comfortable pace with it and take advantage of the few downhills we hit. The second half of the course was much flatter and features some pretty wicked downhills, which was nice.

I wasn't sure if I was in shape to really race it, so I just focused on staying in a good groove effort-wise and was pleasantly surprised with the results. We'll see how I feel tomorrow.


Mile 1: 11:35 (short but steep uphill to start the race)

Mile 2: 8:50 (back down the hill)

Mile 3: 11:00

Mile 4: 10:31

Mile 5: 10:42

Mile 6: 10:16

Mile 7: 9:33 (I felt this one)

Last .4ish: 4:29
