Run: Race Previous Next


8:00 AM

26.2 mi


7:07 mi


160 lb


60 F

Race Result

8 / 389 (2.1%)
3 / 35 (8.6%)
8 / 180 (4.4%)


Perfect day for a race. Low wind, cooler temps to start and light sunshine. Paced the 3:00 group and, like last year, started out with a good group of sub-3:00 hopefuls. Around mile 16 some surged ahead, some fell behind. Was all alone but on pace for 2:59:XX through just after mile 23 when I encountered a runner who was struggling. He surged ahead and burnt himself out. Stopped to ask if he was okay / needed anything. He said he needed a gel. I had one left and gave it to him. I could tell he was in rough shape so I decided to ditch my pace sign and 3:00 goal to help him finish and make sure he was okay. Pushed him along the last ~5K of the race getting water and Gatorade when needed. Helped him up the last hill with encouragement and he finished in 3:06 for his first ever marathon. Like last year, helping this kid was a wise decision. To me, that's what it's all about, helping other runners instead of finishing alone at 3:00 or slightly under.



Wow, nice story. It must be a great feeling helping somebody finish their first, especially with that kind of time.

Don S

Thanks, it was just nice to be able to finish with someone. So often I finish alone with that group.